Wednesday 3 July 2013

Man in the moon

Some say there's a man in the moon. Some say the moon is made of cheese. 
All I know is that on Sunday 23 June 2013 we were to experience one of those sightings that only come around now and then (the moon would be closer to the earth and appear larger than usual), and I just HAD to try and photograph this!

Unfortunately I was unable to venture out to some glamorous spot like the top of Table Mountain, so I headed to the backyard, with camera and tripod and stood in the cold taking shot after shot of the moon.

And then I started playing around with the camera and the moon. :)
So now it looks like the moon was actually moving.

Now it's falling...

So I don't know about a man in the moon or anybody ever tasting "moon cheese", but that night the moon looked absolutely beautiful and it shone bright for all to see.

xo FaraFiti

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