Tuesday 19 March 2013


 You know that girl who always has her camera with her? The one who is invited to the baby showers and bridal showers and birthday parties, because there's a guarantee that her plus one will be her camera? That's me. 
My name is Faranaaz Smitsdorff - that's me on the left - and welcome to my blog (cue the applause).

This is a first for me and  in all honesty, I have been staring at this screen for quite a while, trying to figure out what exactly my first post will be all about.

Should I do the bit where I talk about myself and give my age, marital status, star sign, hobbies, likes and dislikes? Should I tell you how many siblings I have, where I grew up and how my childhood and life experiences have moulded me into the person I have ultimately become? Should I be funny? Should I be serious? So many decisions to make.

Maybe I'll just skip all the formalities and get straight to the part where I am a part-time photographer who started this blog to showcase the work I've done so far and am yet to do. 

Photography is my creative outlet and has now also become my part-time job - believe me, I do not mind. When your work allows you to do something you're truly passionate about, it can be seen as nothing less than a blessing.


xo FaraFiti

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