Monday 20 May 2013

The beauty of children

Children are a real blessing, especially to a photographer.

Photographing children is always inspirational. 
Their actions speak volumes and their emotions can be seen in every movement...

when they don't know you're watching...

and when they know you are...


xo FaraFiti

Friday 10 May 2013

Indoor Market Photo Booth

On 4 May 2013 is was, once again, photo booth time for the second WEN market day.

The booth was themed to match the colourful bunting and decor used by the organizers on the day.

The red and white candy stripe really made the colours of the props pop and the pictures really show off the fun that was had by those posing in them.

xo FaraFiti

Thursday 9 May 2013

Last Dance

Aaaaah, Matric Balls. 

The chance to share a final party with the friends you've made throughout high school. The chance to see each other out of the usual uniform and all glammed up. The chance to dance the night away.

I was able to take some pictures of a beautiful grade 12 pupil as she got ready to go to her matric farewell. 

What a beautiful spirit she has and her excitement spread to all those who came to see her off.

xo FaraFiti